Thursday, May 26, 2011

England Adventures: Part I.

Hellooooo! I finally got my hands on some legitimate internet access! London has been wonderful, I've taken trips to Brighton & Oxford (which gets its own separate post), been to the Victoria & Albert Museum (which is absolutely wonderful, and incredibly comprehensive), and lots of stores! I can't wait to wear & share all my purchases!

Anyways, a few various outfit photos! And some England photos!

Sunglasses: H&M
Scarf: Urban Outfitters
Top: thrifted
Cardigan: American Apparel
Shorts: Gap
Flats: Born Concept / DSW

These were taken in Green Park after a daytrip to Brighton, which is such a cool seaside town with an awesomely tacky pier with all the typical boardwalk fixings: arcade games (even a Star Wars one!), stuffed animals, and various sweets. The beach there is all rocks and pebbles, very much unlike the sandy beaches most people (myself included) are used to. But it's a beautiful view; you can even see the coastline of France!

Photos & more outfits after the jump!

We also went to the Royal Pavilion, which was King George IV's pleasure palace, and it is one of the most interesting and unique historical sites I've ever been to. Unfortunately photography was not allowed inside, so I can't show you all pictures, but it is absolutely breathtaking. 

My mom has been a very good sport and has been taking my outfit photos, although sometimes I end up making strange faces, like yesterday in the Victoria & Albert Museum garden:

I'm wearing:
Sunglasses: H&M (what can I say, I love them!)
Scarf: Alloy
T-shirt: Truly Madly Deeply / Urban Outfitters
Belt: eBay
Skirt: American Apparel
Cardigan: American Apparel
Tights: Accessorize
Boots: same old combat boots
Tote bag: the Kills

I really like this outfit, too bad the photos didn't turn out better!

Anyways, that's all for now! I'll try to post again sometime during the weekend, and there may even be a Five Photo Friday in store for you all! Or maybe I'll make it a double, since I have so many photos already! :)
