I'm wearing:
Cardigan: American Apparel
Lace top: shop in San Francisco
Long tank top: Pins & Needles / Urban Outfitters
Jeans: Old Navy
Shoes: DIY
Necklace: vendor at a craft show
It was comparatively rather nice out today, but for some reason I was freeeezing when I went outside to take photos. It was really windy though, so I'll blame it on that. Unrelated, but how cool is this necklace?! And it was only $8! So awesome. I was thinking of getting a butterfly wing (the vendor had a variety of insect jewelry), but decided to go with the beetle (even though I hate beetles).
Not much to say tonight mostly because I'm working a project for my portfolio class (thrilling, right?) but I would much rather be asleep (already, I'm such an old lady! Haha).
So I don't own anything yellow (what is up with the color deficits in my closet?), so tomorrow it is back to orange! Er, coral, in my case. Anyone up for Round 2?!
Have a great week!

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