Here's an outfit from last week, when the weather was perfect (and now thankfully it's getting back to normal!).
Photos by my friend Katie.
I was feeling rather model-y, for some reason.
My balance isn't so great...especially in wedges.
That said, you can probably guess how I ended up on the ground. And then started cracking up.
Regaining my composure. Dignity? Not so much.
I'm wearing:
Jacket: Primark
Blouse: vintage via flea market
Shorts: Levis (on sale for $10) via Urban Outfitters
Wedges: Madden Girl via DSW
Pin: antique
Scarf: Urban Outfitters
Necklace: made by me
Earrings: Annie Creamcheese
As some of you may know, I'm still working on this whole walking around in anything taller than two inches thing. And when I for some reason decided to balance on one leg, standing on top of a sneaky tree root, my balance didn't last for long. Cue me ending up on the ground. At least I can laugh about it, right? But I promise, I'm getting better at walking around campus in them!
Lesson of the day: don't stand on one leg while wearing wedges.

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