Thursday, February 9, 2012


So you should all know by now that I'm a huge typography geek. It comes with being a design nerd. A lot of what I post on my Tumblr is beautiful typography I find on the intarwebs (and okay, lots of cat photos). So when I was looking through Etsy one day, I happened upon the shop Cupcakes & Mace, and this awesome girl Kim makes acrylic laser cut ampersand (&) necklaces! I just about died of happiness, and promptly ordered a Baskerville italic ampersand necklace (did I mention she does custom colors?). I absolutely love it, and I think I may soon have to invest in a Futura ampersand necklace.

I'm wearing:
Sweater: swapped
Blouse: Ann Taylor
Jeans: Wet Seal
Wedges: ModCloth
Scarf: Urban Outfitters
Necklace: Cupcakes & Mace

Isn't it gorgeous?! I got it in white because I wear so much black & other colors & I wanted it to stand out. And it works perfectly with my new ridiculous wedges that I scored for $15 during the ModCloth Cabin Fever Sale. Let me be honest: I did not wear these all day. Campus is quite hilly, and these shoes definitely require a flat surface unless you want to roll your ankle (full disclosure: I nearly did twice). But they are still pretty awesome, and comfy. 

During my thesis meeting, my advisor looked at me and said, "Are you wearing platform sneakers?" My reply: "Um, basically, yes...wedges."
So there's that.

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