I'm wearing:
Sweater: Land's End, gift
Dress worn as top: Urban Outfitters
Skirt: Express, gift
Belt: Target
Shoes: Urban Outfitters
Necklaces: Pretty People Vintage via Hannah, Pandora's Box
Clutch: thrifted
I found a new photo taking spot! But there is a downside. It's not as hidden as my other photo spot, and when you're carrying around a tripod and a remote hooked up to a DSLR, it looks a little obvious. And then you're trying to nonchalantly take pictures of yourself like it's totally normal, and someone you know walks by... But thankfully they say "You look so cute in all your red!" You say "thank you," now please carry on so I can continue awkwardly taking photos of myself, thank you.
Have any of you heard about or seen the Refinery 29 Styleblogger contest? I actually entered, and would love it if you hopped over & voted for me! (Search "Gina" or "Tulleandcombatboots" to find me!)
And random fun fact: I just realized Forever21 is having a crazy sale on jewelry ($1.50 & up!) so there's that, if anyone's interested! (P.S. None of my links are sponsored, fyi!)
Have a great day!

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