I'm wearing:
Dress: Pins & Needles / Urban Outfitters
Cardigan: Delia's
Heels: Primark
Necklace: not sure, had it for years
Purse: Deena & Ozzy / Urban Outfitters
Bracelet: gift
Flower ring: Nomsa
Eyeshadow: Tarte, Urban Decay
So, this dress. I fell in love with it when I first saw it at Urban Outfitters, but it was out of my price range ($90). Thankfully, about a month and a half or so later, Mackenzie told me it was on sale—for $20! So of course I ran out & bought it, and I'm so glad I did. It's just one of those dresses that makes you feel pretty.
I was very happy to have an occasion to wear it; my boyfriend and I found out in January that one of our favorite little cafes in Occoquan was doing a Valentine's Day dinner, so of course we made reservations. It was so fun and it was nice to have a fancy dinner because we don't do that often. And he got me the most beautiful roses! (I'm saving the pictures for Five Photo Friday.) He's the sweetest. Anyways, I'll stop now before I get all sappy & whatnot. Oh and my parents sent me chocolates! Eating healthy is officially not happening this week.
Oh, and another photo that my boyfriend took after dinner:
What did you do for Valentine's Day? Or were you waiting for half price chocolate/candy day? Or both?!
Valentine's day outfit #1 coming tomorrow!

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