Mungo makes another appearance!
I'm wearing:
Shirt: H&M
Skirt: Loft, thrifted
Tights: don't remember
Wedges: Madden Girl via DSW
Scarf: Urban Outfitters
Cardigan: Land's End
Necklace: Moon & Pearl Jewelry (currently on vacation)
Fun fact: this is the only striped piece of clothing I own.
Even though this outfit is pretty simple and monochromatic, I really like it. I used white to make it pop a little more with the necklace & the cardigan, instead of just completely black & grey. I love this necklace—I had my eye on it for a while, and when I got an Etsy gift card for Christmas I finally decided to get it. It's a gorgeous white agate stone, and it's the perfect length. I can't wait to wear it more. It's perfect for adding a little something to simple outfits.
As you can see, Mungo decided to make an appearance for outfit photos (mostly because this was around his dinner time and he wanted his next serving). But as I was finishing up the photos the long laces on my wedges started coming untied and he started chasing after them! He has a whole box of cat toys that he has shown no interest in, so I'm always amazed when he randomly decides to play with something. Even when I took the wedges off, he kept playing with the shoelaces. It was the cutest thing. Mungo has also taken to curling up in between me & my boyfriend when we go to bed—he'll sleep in between us while we read, and then when we go to sleep he migrates down to his little cat bed which is at the bottom of our bed. It's the cutest thing.
Ahem. Crazy cat lady status reached? I think so.
Happy almost Friday!

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