Monday, June 3, 2013

big news!

I am the worst blogger ever, right? After vacation (which was wonderful) it took me a little bit to get readjusted to real life, and when by Thursday I hadn't done a post I just decided to wait until this week and get back to a regular posting schedule.

But first, some big news that happened on vacation...
My boyfriend (now fiancé!) proposed on the beach on the first day of vacation! It was perfect: we took a morning walk on the beach and when there was no one around he popped the question. And the ring is gorgeous, and antique! We don't have a date yet, but we're going to be engaged for at least a year, maybe two. But I'm so excited!

Here is a little sneak peek of our engagement photos (done by my fiancé's sister!):

And I promise, back to regular outfit posts tomorrow!

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