I kind of like this idea—a virtual or printed die that will give you generic creative advice when you need some art direction. It may not always apply to each project, but it's an interesting idea.
Illustrator Sam Kalda's latest project is depictions of famous creatives and their cats—I love the idea of this and also the variety of styles Kalda uses—including some hand lettering.
I love love love this article by Kaarin from True to Style—inspired by an article on style skills you have to master, she took into a more positive light, and focused instead on more long lasting style lessons that really have more to do with self confidence and life skills than fashion.
Reasons why I love Adobe: creating technology to encourage everyone to be creative and draw, and not think that doodling has to stop after childhood. I also would love to get my hands on the new Slide and Ink for the ipad.
This is a really interesting first hand account of how three photographers sneak into (usually abandoned) facilities that were used by the military during the Cold War. It's really interesting to get a peek into their process and the reasons they risk their 'day jobs' to pursue this hobby.
Oh my god, I cannot get over the cuteness that is Frostie the Snow Goat. Frostie overcame a lot of obstacles, including a debilitating disease that prevented him from walking. After he was outfitted with a special set of wheels that allowed him to run around, he was able to walk on his own! Sadly, I read today that Frostie died a few days ago from complications. So, so sad.
What cool things did you find this week?

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