So I'm a little over two weeks into my shopping freeze, and have not broken yet! It includes clothes, accessories & shoes, so I did allow myself a trip to Sephora last week only because I had a gift card and I knew exactly which two things I wanted to get. Turns out, not shopping is really difficult for me, but it's good because it's making me come up with new and different outfit ideas!

What I'm wearing:
Dress: Loft
Cardigan: Old Navy
Tights: Target
Boots: Etienne Agnier, gifted
Belt: Amazon
Necklace: Urban Outfitters, super old
Earrings: gift from Katie
Pin: I Like Cats on Etsy, gift
Lipstick: NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Amsterdam
You would think I would've worn this cropped mint cardigan more than I have, but I think this is only the second or third time. I'm trying to make more use of my 'statement' belts (is that a thing?)—I have a good amount and I've been neglecting them, and they're perfect for simple dresses like this grey one.

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