Mark put up an awesome review of the show, and made a whole gallery of my photos! And, his story made the front page of! Here are a few of my favorite shots, as well as what I wore.
Click to see larger.
Red Fang
Red Fang
Dillinger Escape Plan
What I wore:
Cardigan: American Apparel
T-shirt: Distillers band t-shirt
Jeans: BDG / Urban Outfitters
Boots: shop in Oxford
Scarf: Urban Outfitters
Bag: Urban Outfitters
Apologies for the subpar iPhone pictures, I took the photos when I got home at the end of the night.
I dressed simply and comfortably because I knew I'd be standing for a long time and since it was a metal show, I wasn't sure how crazy it was going to get. But it was more tame than I was expecting. But for me, concerts in general are not the time to wear fancy dresses and heels/wedges. And when you're without a doubt the only fashion/style blogger in the whole place, it's smart to dress casually and comfortably. Overall, it was a phenomenal show and great night.
Have a great rest of the weekend!

Have a great rest of the weekend!
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